
Live a higher quality of life with home-based personalized care

Nurse practitioner sitting next to a patient with a chronic condition
Nurse practitioner providing home-centered care to a patient by listening for their heartbeat

Home-centered care focused on all of your members’ needs

Spiras Health provides personalized care from nurses and Nurse Practitioners who coordinate with patients’ physicians and specialists to improve the quality of their healthcare experience.

Our unique approach is designed to bring expert clinical care to the home between doctor visits. We help patients achieve their care goals, better manage their chronic conditions, and reduce visits to the ER or hospital.

Spiras Health offers patients a personalized experience

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Develop a plan

We assess each patient’s needs and align their personal goals with their healthcare goals.

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Identify any risks

We check for safety hazards to minimize falls and injury and connect patients to resources to address these needs.

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Connect remotely

We use telehealth, remote monitoring, and digital communication to provide easy access to a clinician as needed.

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Stay engaged

We complement infrequent doctor visits with ongoing longitudinal care touchpoints to improve patient outcomes.

Spiras Health delivers high satisfaction


Member Loyalty

Patients reported being “highly likely” to re-enroll with their health plan due to care from Spiras Health


Patient Experience

Spiras Health was rated “5 out of 5” on their experience with clinicians

A simple process to get patients started

  • We work with the health plan to identify, enroll, and engage the right patient.
  • After their phone enrollment, a Spiras Health specialty clinician visits for an in-home assessment. As a specialist, the clinician can help identify the best way to adhere to the care plan, follow medications, and keep the patient out of the hospital.
  • Our patient advocate team manages referrals, coordinates with the plan, and solves health-related social needs by connecting the patient with community-based resources.
Nurse practitioner standing next a patient with a complex chronic condition

New Options for Managing RSV Risks in Polychronic Populations

Who could benefit from the RSV vaccine?

Read the Blog Post
Spiras Health: Managing RSV Risks

Commonly Asked Questions

Can’t find the answers you’re seeking? Give us a call 855-638-9596.

How does a patient know if they are eligible for Spiras Health service?

A patient will receive a communication from their health plan and a phone call from Spiras Health inviting them to enroll.

The enrollment specialist will answer questions, explain how the service works, and schedule an initial appointment.

Does Spiras Health coordinate with PCPs and specialists?

Yes, we coordinate with the providers and help patients work with their doctors’ care plans.

Does Spiras Health cost a patient money?

There is no cost. The health plan covers the service because they see lasting benefits when their members receive specialized home-centered support.